• Artificial Intelligence Personal Considerations

    Artificial Intelligence Personal Considerations

    Chapter 1. The story Once upon a time there was a scorpion on the shore of a river. He sees a frog and ask her to take him on the other part of the river, because he cannot swim. The frog tells him: “But you are a scorpion. You will sting me and I will…

  • Kuantero won Gold at Marcom Awards

    Kuantero won Gold at Marcom Awards

    A website we did, Eriksen Translations, won Gold at Marcom Awards. Great news πŸ™‚

  • The importance of the “free” perception for 0800 numbers

    The importance of the “free” perception for 0800 numbers

    You would say that a business client would not care if the contact phone is normal cost or not. You would say that offering a free infoline for a B2B would not make any difference because the business clients are used to call any type of phone, including international Well, is not so. Having a…

  • Joe Biden and me

    Joe Biden and me

    This summer, the USA vice-president, Mr. Joe Biden pay a visit to Romania for 24h. As a co-founder of StartEvo, I was fortunate to meet him and exchange a few words. We thank for this opportunity to the US Embassy. We tried to film him for StartEvo as well, but the protocol did not allow…

  • 59sec won 2nd Prize at Webstock 2014!!! Yay!!!

    59sec won 2nd Prize at Webstock 2014!!! Yay!!!

    59sec (our beloved start-up that helps companies to answer leads under 59 seconds to boost conversion rates) won last night a VERY important prize! 2nd place at Webstock 2014, the biggest Romanian Social Media event. This is the second prize we won in September alone. The first one was #1 at Startup Sauna Bucharest. πŸ™‚

  • MID (Marketing In Direct) – a great event

    MID (Marketing In Direct) – a great event

    Yesterday I’ve been to MID (Marketing In Direct) event, at the Diplomats Club in Bucharest. Great event, with some great/weird/creative speakers. Quite different versus what I expected, but with a lot of added value, at least for me. πŸ™‚ Just a few learnings: – try to reduce the fixed costs and always transfer them to…

  • New game on App Store: Zombie Career

    New game on App Store: Zombie Career

    Hey iPhone user. Are you in a mood for a stupid game, with vast psychologically connotations? πŸ™‚ We uploaded last week a new game on App Store, only for iPhones, up to 5, with an original concept: Zombie Career. So, basically, you are a green and scary zombie, that wants to advance in his career…

  • Eriksen website, developed by Kuantero, won at Stevie Awards!

    Eriksen website, developed by Kuantero, won at Stevie Awards!

    We are very happy! One of our sites that we developed last year, Eriksen Translations Inc, is a winner at Stevie Awards (Best Overall Web Design, Bronze). It was a very nice project and the client was super πŸ™‚ Thanks to the whole team!

  • Webstock 2014

    Webstock 2014

    On September 26 we will be as always at WebstockΒ (powered by Vodafone), this time competing with 59sec. Why we go there? – to learn new stuff (after all, is one of the biggest industry events in this part of the world) – to socialize – to compete, maybe we’ll win something, like we won 2nd…

  • Always do business with entities that have something to lose

    Always do business with entities that have something to lose

    For me it matters a lot the PREDICTABILITY. Predictability makes me calm. It helps us, as a business, not to go bankrupt. Predictability helps our clients to trust us when we promise something. It helps our employees to know that they will get the money at the end of the month, no matter what. Being…

  • Being #1 in Google results gives you aprox 32.5% clicks. #10, only 2.4%

    Being #1 in Google results gives you aprox 32.5% clicks. #10, only 2.4%

    Ever wondered how many clicks you get by being higher or lower on Google results? Of course, it’s kind of obvious that mostly nobody are searching on page 2, 3 and so on, unless what they do not find what they are searching for… So they dig in. But, in the vast majority of the…

  • WP User Vandalism Protection – wordpress plugin

    WP User Vandalism Protection – wordpress plugin

    Let me tell you a story. When we launched in alpha 59sec.com, we also launched a live demo: http://www.59sec.com/test/ with a simple (subscriber role) test user: http://www.59sec.com/test/wp-login.php user: test pass: 123456789 In one sunny day, we figure it out that we cannot login on this test account, and also NONE of the clients who wanted…

  • Some “thank you” notes for us :)

    Some “thank you” notes for us πŸ™‚

    4 nice pieces of feedback received. So, even if they’re in Romanian, we can brag with them πŸ™‚ (we did a small activation with our partner, PayU Romania, and we helped for free some small online businesses! ——————- Urmare a campaniei initiate de partenerul nostru PayU am apelat la serviciile de consultanta oferite de catre…

  • Testimonials rulz

    Testimonials rulz

    We live in a world where people DO NOT trust each other. Why should I give you my money, my credit card? What if you are a crook? What if I will feel sorry that I trusted you? Who are you? Why should I trust you? Why should I pay 10% more than other competitors…

  • Why an e-marketing agency does not like to work with start-up/inexperienced clients (very much)

    Why an e-marketing agency does not like to work with start-up/inexperienced clients (very much)

    Because it usually seems that it does not pay offΒ  πŸ™‚ Why? Because the conversion rate of a new business is much lower. “Greenhorns” are making a lot of mistakes that translate in much higher chances to screw it up. Doing a marketing campaign for a already established company, with a lot of elements to…