Preparing Romania for the Impact of the Future

For 73 years, the magazine Știință&Tehnică has been speaking to young people and the general public in a friendly language about the importance of science. Joining the esteemed publication—now under the auspices of the Romanian Academy—are the Science&Technology Association and over 60 NGOs, research institutes, high schools, and universities, all working together to explain science in an accessible way through a series of conferences and festivals known as the Science&Imagination Caravan. More about the project can be found here:

We believe that education, research, science, art, sustainability, and environmental protection should remain constants in society. Education in Romania is at risk. Science and engineering faculties face declining student enrollment year after year, even after a second round of admissions. Of those admitted, over 40% drop out during their first year. Experts attribute this “fear” and lack of interest in science to gaps in high school preparation, a phenomenon that has become widespread throughout society.

The Science&Technology Association will primarily focus on schools and high schools, initiating and supporting the establishment of SCIENCE CLUBS in as many cities as possible throughout Romania. It will also launch a science communication website and a free Android app that provides information about the day’s events and notable figures. The goal of this project is to create a community aimed at educating, informing, and raising awareness among Romanian citizens about the role of science and new technologies, human rights, and the fight against ethnic and social discrimination, as well as cultural diversity and traditional Romanian values, including those of national minorities.

The strategic partner and main funder of this project is NUCLEARELECTRICA, which has allocated a generous budget for science communication activities through conferences, courses, and festivals over an 18-month period. Upcoming events include Astrofest, Atlantykron, SciFi Fest, the Science&Imagination Caravan in Doicești and Cernavodă, and the Biodiversity Caravan.

Science clubs will drive the promotion of new technologies and STEAM education. Events organized by the S&T Association and supported by Nuclearelectrica will give young people from across the country the opportunity to meet the best science communicators in Romania, engage with new technologies, and interact with researchers, writers, journalists, and local resource people who have previously been less visible.

Our concept is to take science and traditional teaching methods out of the classroom and into open spaces in city centers, where the public can engage directly with researchers, watch technology demonstrations, explore exhibitions, observe astronomical phenomena, experience astrophysics experiments, or attend scientific presentations.,,

#NUCLEARELECTRICA #StiintaSiTehnica #CluburileST #AsociatiaST


