Osica de Sus = first AI creative city from Romania

Osica de Sus – First Creative Town A.I. from Romania “PNRR: Funds for modern and reformed Romania!” Osica de Sus, Olt county, became the first town in Romania to be proud of the status of “A.I. Creative Town”.

The final event “Sci-Fi Fest Osica de Sus” took place on Saturday, April 27, 2024, representing the culmination of a year of online and offline educational activities and focused on technological innovations and community involvement in the development of digital creativity.

The multi-annual project “Sci-Fi Fest Osica de Sus” was organized by the StartEvo Association together with Science & Technology. 54 school-age children, representing 1.3% of the commune’s population of approximately 4,000 inhabitants, learned to use Artificial Intelligence tools to create 462 works of digital visual art.

On the project platform: https://www.kidibot.ro/osica-de-sus/ 7 free artificial intelligence micro-courses were made available to the public. 100 of these were spread around the locality, by geolocation, so as to encourage tourism.

Any resident or visitor to the municipality can scan the QR codes displayed throughout the municipality to see the art objects created by the children.

A permanent vernissage was organized at the cultural center in the locality with the most beautiful 100 selected works, to be admired physically by the inhabitants of the commune and curious tourists.

The opening offered a variety of interactive cultural activities such as virtual reality workshops, A.I. technology presentations, robots, theater, classical drawing and AI, telescopes. A highlight of the festival were the programming and robotics workshops, which engaged attendees and highlighted the importance of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education in the community.

The mayor of Osica de Sus, Mr. Cezar Filip, said that the initiative to bring this event to the town is part of a larger strategy to invest in the future of young people. By supporting creativity and digital innovations, Osica de Sus aims to become a development model for other localities in the country. Osica de Sus is committed to continue investing in such events and educational programs, thus encouraging young people to develop their digital skills and actively participate in the world of technology.

Numele proiectului de reformă: Nr Contract PNRR  NR. 63/PNRR/31.03.2023 Din componenta I5-1 /I5-2

Numele beneficiarului: Asociația StartEvo

Obiectivele proiectului:

==Obiective generale==

– Reducerea decalajului de acces la cultură între zona rurala Osica de Sus și zonele urbane mari
– Motivarea și sprijinirea autorităților locale din Osica de Sus pentru finanțarea proiectelor culturale

==Obiective specifice==

– Crearea unui grup tinta de minim 30 de tineri CREATORI de ARTA prin Artificial Intelligence, pe care sa ii invatam tehnologii AI utilizate in cultura

– CREATORII DE ARTA sa dezvolte si publice online 100 de opere de arta virtuale geolocalizate prin comuna, accesibile prin intermediul Platformei non-stop, 24/7

– Eveniment lansare SCI-FI FEST, prin care locuitorii comunei si turisti sunt invitati sa vina si sa experimenteze operele de arta create, precum si cei interesati sa invete ce trebuie sa faca astfel incat sa devina si ei, la randul lor, CREATORI. Astfel, Osica de Sus va deveni PRIMA COMUNA CREATIVA AI DIN ROMANIA.

– Permanentizarea proiectului in maxim 3 luni, pentru functionarea pe termen nelimitat si cresterea portofoliului de opere de arta din comuna prin atragerea in randul CREATORILOR DE ARTA pe turisti si alti locuitori.

Valoarea totală a proiectului, inclusiv finanțarea: 222,223 lei, din care 200,000 lei finanțare PNRR

Data începerii și finalizării proiectului: 31.03.2023 – 30.06.2024

Codul proiectului:141