Today I will be at Netcamp 2011 – (first part of the day) and at the E-commerce Prizes Gala (in the second part of the day). I thank the organizers, for inviting me.
Marius Ghenea
- all actual studies shows that small entrepreneurial companies are generating jobs, not the big ones
- the progress came from debt, loans in the past years. is not ok. increase productivity should be the motor.
- celebrate entrepreneur.
- entrepreneurs are not born, are made
- theory of 10,000 hours necessary to become an entrepreneur
- Steve Jobs, Mozart, successful entrepreneurs
- school for start-ups – Marius Ghenea tries to promote it in whole region
- NGOs still entrepreneurs, even if they are non-profit
- in Romania we don’t have an entrepreneurial education
- we need models, because the models generates new entrepreneurs
- in top 100 entrepreneurs in Europe, Romanians have 3 positions: ubervu, brainient, erepublik
- – supporter for projects
Dragos Manac
- 4 years ago, at NETCAMP, erepublik was the most lame presentation. Now, they are the best in the domain
- from services, we moved to products
- personal accomplishment is better than money
- everybody has a business idea (at least)
- ideas are like mental spermatozoids. there are zillions, one is a winner 🙂
- entrepreneurship is not the same with money 🙂
- purpose, work, determination
- i will change the world=> i will change MY world
- Art of money making (PT Barnum); Economics in one lessons (Henry Hazlitt), Flow: The Psychology of optimal Experience (Mihaly Csikszent Mihaly), The essential Drucker (Peter Drucker)
- I like fucked up entrepreneurs, because i know statistically they will fail. And they will appreciate more what i offer them 🙂
- What i do must constant improve what i already did!
Calin Fusu
- best case scenario you will fail. worst case scenario u will struggle for 10 years and after that you will fail.
- intelligence is not relevant. determination is the most important.
- not all people can resist from physical point of view.
- local market is small. international market is very competitive
- or are you based on content, or on sales force
- do you have a co-founder – you will fight eachother
- u must love chaos, otherwise you will crack
- you need to define your formula (business formula)
- 20k views of HD streaming, 4h event = 100 usd with windows azure
- 14 july, 1 million unique visitors on several hundreds processors, Ministry of Education
Antonio Eram
- explain how your idea solves a problem, not how it works.
- explain why should by from u
- don’t put numbers. If idea is good, nobody looks at figures. They will follow later.
- focus. business and benefits. the rest will come. focus on the big picture.
- have a very simple business plan
- be open for alternative methods for produce money
- think global. be open minded. embrace global conference
- know as much as possible many people from various corners of the world
- don’t be desperate
- passionate: 150% of your time.
- Romania = vampire, hackers and good programmers – we are exotique
Ovidiu Parachivescu
- they want to be mediator between clients and programmers