Career. To be or not to be

Especially during my BestJobs working period, I encountered the following situation: young people don’t know where to go, what to do, who to speak in order to have a successful professional career.

The Romanian school sucks (in order of career counseling). I remember at some point, I made a proposition to Ecaterina Andronescu, the rector of Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest, the biggest University – to teach students FOR FREE how to make a CV, how to go to an interview, how to build a career, etc. The answer was stunning: “Our students does not need these know-how, because it is not in the curricula. So, they don’t need to learn how to manage themselves in the labor market.

Now I am glad that there is an option for those who want to do something with their lives. It’s called TalentGate.

Talentgate is a division of Leadership Development Solutions, group that contains top management recruiting, Brainbank (middle management recruiting) and Talent Gate (entry level recruiting).

Students can enter this site, they can create an account, make some tests and some will be invited to 1:1 meetings with talentgate people. Career counseling is something very important for young people, and Talent Gate does exactly that. The end purpose is to hire those high potential people in the high end profile company LDS group is working with.

The idea is great and the benefits for candidates are huge. Is a good thing that Talent Gate appeared on the market 🙂