The weirdest site we ever did.

The weirdest site we ever did!

Reversible Destiny (

The weirdest site we ever did.
The weirdest site we ever did.

This is a weird site done by us for a weird client. We had to do everything reversed as we would normally would. All our experience with usability, functionality, design, user experience – all went to the drain. Because the whole purpose of the client was to make people get out of the normality and experience weirdness. Their full existence counts on this:)

“Reversible Destiny” has a very cool message behind. We can decide not to die. Yes, I know, it sounds weird :). But, challenging our robotic everyday actions that kills us a little bit each day, Reversible Destiny makes us THINK, it makes us REINVENT ourselves.

Try to understand the concept. Is great and, just like they say, … can prevent you from dying!

Big companies like Apple, Microsoft and others already did! Check some of their work here 🙂

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